The factor of determining the product lifetime for outdoor use will be as following.
1 | 地域 Area | 海浜、工業地帯、田園、住宅地域 Seashore, industrial area, rural site, residential area |
2 | 気候 Climate | 日照時間、降雨量(濡れ時間)、温度 Sunshine duration, rainfall amount, temperature |
3 | 設置環境 Installation environment | 筐体の側面、底面、または遮蔽の有無。方角、環境因子(海塩飛来物、排気ガス、鉄粉、融雪剤、硫黄、農薬、酸性雨、溶剤) Any sides of the body of the item, with / without shielding, direction, environmental factor (flying sea salt grains, emission gas, iron powder, snow melting material, sulfur, agricultural chemicals, acid rain, solvent) |
For outdoor use, please confirm the using condition and choose suitable product for the environment.
Please feel free to contact the nearest offce if a new design will be needed for filling the specification, or there are any questions.